Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite Web-based running tools. There's a lot of good stuff out there, but these are the ones I've found most helpful.

McMillan Running Calculator
The McMillan Running Calculator is awesome for figuring out what pace you should be running your training runs, as well as setting goal times for races. All you need to do is plug in a recent race time (or time for a run where you really pushed yourself, if you don't have a race time available), and the calculator will spit out a whole ton of information, including projected race times and the paces you should aim for on tempo runs, intervals, etc.

Map My Run

Map My Run is great for figuring out distances when you're running on roads. The mapping tool is pretty accurate (especially if you use the "follow roads" option), and you can create a profile and save your routes.

The Daily Mile
I haven't used The Daily Mile too much, but it's a cool social-networking tool for runners and other athletes. Definitely a nice way to track and share your mileage, and it has a lot of other features.

What to Wear
One of Runner's World's many helpful tools. If you've ever had a hard time deciding on short sleeves vs. long, or shorts vs. tights, this is super-helpful. Just plug in the current weather, and it will tell you what to wear!

Pace Calculator
Just what it sounds like: Plug in your distance and time, and it will tell you your pace! Simple, but useful.